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Why sign up for rent reporting

Boost Your Credit Score


Regular rent payments can positively impact on your credit score, opening doors to lower interest rates and better credit offers.

Enjoy Better Mortgages Approval


A stronger credit history makes it more likely for you to be approved for loans, including car loans and mortgages.

Save on Security Deposit


Some landlords may require lower security deposits from tenants with proven credit histories, leading to upfront savings.

Empower your Financial Future


Credit history is key in financial planning. Reporting your rent helps establish a solid financial foundation for your future.

How does it work

  1. Simple Onboarding: Sign up and provide the necessary details about your rental agreement.


   2. Monthly Reporting: Each month, confirm your rent

       payment through our platform.


   3. See the Benefits: Watch as your consistent payments

       contribute to building  your credit report.



I never imagined my monthly rent could pave the way for my financial future. This program is a lifesaver!

Stephanie, Toronto


As a long-term tenant, it's about time my commitment to paying rent on time gets recognized in my credit report. Thank you, Binta!

Chidinma, Vancouver


As a newcomer, I've been thinking about other ways to build my credit score. Thanks to this program. My rent is definitely my new investment into my financial future 

James, Calgary

  • What is rent reporting?
    Rent reporting is the process of submitting your monthly rent payments to credit bureaus like Equifax to build your credit score. Think of it like showing credit bureaus that you are credit worthy because you pay your rent consistently and on time. This practice helps build your credit scores.
  • How would I benefit from reporting my rent?
    Choosing our rent reporting program turns your regular payments into a deliberate strategy for a potentially strong financial future. Each on-time rent, a commitment you already honor, now increases your chances of a good credit standing. A good credit standing increases you potential to unlocks better financial perks, like lower interest rates on mortgages, car loans, etc. It's more than smart planning; it's leveraging your rent to potentially fortify your financial trajectory.
  • Who is eligible for this program?
    If you're a tenant who has been paying their rent, then you're a perfect fit!
  • How long does it take to build credit history in Canada as a newcomer?
    While it typically takes about six months of credit activity to establish a credit score, rent reporting offers an additional data point to support that process. By having your rent payments reported to credit agencies like Equifax, you can start building a solid credit foundation. This not only showcases your financial responsibility but also builds your credit profile in the eyes of lenders.
  • How does Binta ensure data privacy and security?
    Binta's data and privacy practices are fully compliant with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) standards, ensuring the utmost security for our users' information. Additionally, our partnership with Equifax reinforces our adherence to stringent data protection protocols. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of data protection and privacy, ensuring that our users' information is both secure and locally stored.
  • How do I sign up for Binta's rent reporting program?
    We’ve made this process hassle-free. Once you complete this form, our team will reach to guide you step-by-step through our user-friendly platform. Click this link to enroll
  • How often is my rent reported to credit bureaus?
    To keep things in sync with your rental cycle, we report your rent to credit bureaus every month, ensuring real-time reflections of your payment habits.
  • Do I need to notify my landlord or property manager?
    While it's not a strict requirement, it's a courteous gesture to let your landlord know. They might appreciate understanding your proactive approach to financial responsibility. Our team will guide you on this conversation when the time comes.
  • What if I move to a new rental property?
    Relocating won’t disrupt our service. Simply update your new rental details on our platform, and your rent reporting continues seamlessly.
  • Are there any hidden fees or commitments?
    There are no hidden clauses or surprise fees. We cherish the trust you place in us.

Report Your Rent Build Your Credit  

Turn your monthly rent into a powerful asset that boosts your credit, helps you buy a home, or your dream car with Binta for FREE
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Are You Ready to Transform Your Rent into Opportunities?


Join Binta today. With no risk and everything to gain, the only question is: Are you ready to turn your rent payments into the key to your dreams?


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